tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2011

Junior classes

Porvoo 10.9.2011, judge Knut Sigurd Wilberg, GB (14+17)
"Promising youngster of excellent type. Good head. Well developed for age. Lovely outline. Moves well around but needs to tighten up in front."
EXC1, CCQ, BOB-junior, Best Bitch-3, CC

Photo: Kirsi Aalto

Tampere Group Show 17.9.2011, judge Stephen Wheeler, Sweden (31+24)
"Beautiful type and balanced bitch. Excellent head and expression. Very well bodied for age. Excellent topline. Good underline. Well angulated on rear. Correct bone for size. Correct feet. Excellent moving bitch  with perfect foot placement." 

Photo: Kirsi Aalto

Tampere Specialty Show 18.9.2011, judge Niksa Lemo, Croatia (28+28)
"Excellent size. Very feminin. Feet could be better. Good rears(?). Excellent body lines. Very sound movement."

Tuulos Group Show 1.10.2011, judge Laurent Heinesche, Luxemburg
"Excellent in her general appearance. Very balanced in proportions. Excellent feminine face. Correct front, elbows a little bit out. Excellent topline. Nice chest. Nice rear angulation. Nice in movement."
EXC1, CCQ, Best Bitch-2, res-CC

Seinäjoki Int. 29.-30.10.2011, judge Karin Hedberg, Sweden
"Almost 11 months. Elegant nicely shaped junior bitch. Feminine head. Kind expression. Elegant neck. OK shoulder. Straight in pasterns. Excellent topline. Nicely sloaping croup. Elegant fluent movements all over. Very professionally presented."

Jyväskylä Int. 19.-20.11.2011, judge Roberto Posa, Switzerland
"Almost 1 year old elegant brindle bitch with white markings. Elegant head, nice expression. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Well developed chest & forechest. Slightly toeing in front. Correct rear angulation. Correct croup & tailset. Slightly toeing in movement. Easy sidegait. Outgoing temperament."

Helsinki Winner 3.12.2011, judge Bo Skalin
"Feminint huvud, kunde ha lite kraftigare underkäke. Lite knappt vinklad fram, välmusklad, bra över- och underlinje. Rör sig mycket bra bak, lite slarvigt fram. En bra rastyp."

Winner 4.12.2011, judge Elisabet Janzon, Sweden
"Beautiful bitch. Very stylish. Beautiful head and expression. Beautiful neck and topline. Strong in bone and feet. Well angulated. Moves with power and ease. Good attitude."
EXC1, CCQ, Junior Winner 2011 

Puppy classes

Hyvinkää 9.-10.7.2011, judge Fernando Madeira Rodriques, Portugal (0+2 pups)
"Nice expression. Little bit straight on shoulder. Good topline. Very good angulated. Nice tailset. Moves well."

Eukanuba KV 23.-24.7.2011, judge Espen Engh, Norway (2+2 pups)
"Beautiful type. Excellent coloring. Excellent head, expression. Long strong neck. Elbows should be closer to body and she seems to stand too high. Curvy lines. She moves very well from side but needs more drive."

Photo: Kirsi Aalto

Helsinki Puppy Show 14.8.2011, judge Eeva Resko, (11 pups)
"Kookas, erittäin hyvin kehttynyt narttupentu. Hieno pää. Hyvä ilme ja korvat. Hyvä ylälinja. Erinomainen olkavarsi. Aavistuksen leveä edestä. Kyynärpäät voisivat olla tiiviimmin rungossa. Hieman turhan suora välikämmen. Erittäin hyvä takaosa. Liikkui erinomaisesti kauttaaltaan. Selkälinja liikkeessä voisi olla parempi."
Honors prize, winner of class 7-9 months, 2nd in puppy bitches